New Profound -long pulse radio frequency introductory offer
Special price for pre-enrollment
Please visit our web page and subscribe for the special $2000 price for a non-surgical face lift. Compare the prices at Real Self, the average price is over $4000, but as high as $6000 in NYC. It is a one time treatment, that has full results in 9 months. There is more downtime with the procedure than our 4D treatment, but it is one session. However, it does have more problems with swelling, but not the redness from laser resurfacing or aggressive peels. The amazing benefit is 5 times the levels of elastin production from baseline. Look at the page information below and get on our email list before we go live later in December. We will charge $2250 and give a $250 rebate after f/u photographs. We are certain the results are that good!

The Profound treatment is a nonsurgical face lift alternative for treating facial wrinkles and sagging skin in the jowels and neck area. It combines radiofrequency (RF) energy with ultrafine needles (microneedles) to get the laser energy below the skin so it can renew your skin from the inside out. With different settings and microneedles, the laser energy can be delivered much deeper to treat cellulite as well.
The Profound is profoundly different than all other microneedling devices, as it has a patent on it’s technology, so no other company can give a long pulse, impedance and temperature controlled pulse like Candela. It is in a category by itself! It produces 5 time the baseline elastin, as well as hylauronic acid and collagen. It is a one treatment option to lift the lower face and neck.
Radiofrequency microneedling
For body contouring, it can be added to our other nonsurgical modalities like Velashape, TightSculpting, CoolSculpting, CoolTone and Vanquish.