Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix

Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM)
This procedure involves taking your own blood and spinning it down to extract platelets and then re-inject them in the scalp in areas of hair loss to cause hair growth over a series of three treatments. Platelets are rich in growth factors and great for stimulating hair follicle growth as well as collagen. Dr. Baber uses this in conjunction with the NeoGraft transplant to further augment results as well.
Hair Medica Pharmaceuticals

Nutritional and Integrative Treatments
We have a full line of Hair Medica and HR9 products for hair regrowth and loss prevention. We also have recommendations on over-the-counter hair loss preparations as well as medical devices in our educational section. There are many nutritional support options from Life Extensions that Landmark has available.

Fotona HairRestore
Using the Dynamis laser from Fotona, FDA approved for face and scalp, safe, painless, and effective. This use of ERbium is new with Fotona because of their Smooth mode. No other laser technology has this, and it is why the 4D for face works so well. The light energy probably via cytokines and stem cells upregulating the Wnt 10b and β-catenin expression. The Erbium also increases blood flow, stimulating metabolism, and aids in delivery of topical meds like Rogaine.
Hair loss can affect a person at any age. Pattern baldness, mostly males, is genetic and accounts for most cases. Others causes can be thyroid or other health issues such as hormonal imbalance, stress, autoimmune or lack of vitamins. Hair styling, brushing, and even shampoos or soaps can contribute to hair loss as well. Using a customized protocol, the energy from the laser stimulates dormant hair follicles without anesthesia or surgery. The Fotona PS03 hand piece is moved back and forth directly on the scalp several times with a crosshatch pattern usually taking less than 7 minutes. The area will appear red for a few hours , and hair may be messy after treatment from combing down to the scalp, so plan accordingly. Our package is $400 for 6 treatments every two weeks.
We also can combine with PRFM or threads (Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix) to enhance results for those clients that have been less than successful with either PRP alone, transplant surgery, or just want to ensure the best outcome possible.